post | Civil Litigation
It is a nightmare scenario that potentially any parent could face. A child retur…
The big news story of the weekend was the surprising news that the Prisons Minis…
It should go without saying that no plea ought to be entered in any criminal cas…
post | Criminal Defence
Unauthorised use of a registered trademark is a criminal offence, so selling fak…
Hacking has been in the news a great deal in the last couple of years, for examp…
The power of the police to stop and search is currently in the media due to the …
Partner Amjid Jabbar examines whether greater use of Deferred Prosecution Agreem…
Partner Brian Swan discusses the need for the Government to boost funding for re…
Partner Amjid Jabbar examines why confiscation orders are not working and calls …
Partner Brian Swan investigates the Serious Fraud Office's (SFO) introduction o…
Partner Amjid Jabbar comments in The Law Society Gazette in relation to the Hom…
Solicitor Ernest Aduwa's article, published in The Times, examines why recent MP…